Saturday, December 31, 2016

Command Powers

Command Powers

When a newbie first joined an alliance and received his/her five Nuke attacks, and test-drove in their battlefields. Almost everyone would say “Wow, that’s awesome!” right?

And the second thing in E&A academy training that Zynga taught you is what? Beside of troops deployment?

Yes, bingo! The answer is Command Powers! 

There most players will use Command Powers to take down enemies defenders before they deploy their troops into a battlefield. This makes Command Powers become their pioneer to reduce enemies strike back ability against their attacks. Then how many shots and what kind of command weapons you can use will depend on how many command points you have collected in total. 

Command Points are the key to driving control on the battlefield and are earned by several ways. Build Weapons Command, and keep upgrading its level to maximum in each HQ level is the most basic way to earn command points. Beside of that, apply one strike force member onto Weapons Command building can also gain 3 more command points. Purchase bonus command points from war factory will get you ten extra command points for each battle to use within 24 hours. 

In addition, Ion Canon builds from war factory can give you one free Orbital Strike in each battle during its service period at your base, which benefit your offensive power from its double features. In the recent version, there is also a Special Command Power called the Gunships X-250 that you can get from Operation Hammerfall, which give you an extra aerial attack to against all tough destructive bases. 

Either use Laser to burn down buildings or use Auto-cannon to kill ground troop units. However, during the usage of Gunship, all troops you deployed to the battle will be disconnected for a while. That mean they could have destroyed within this short moment. To avoid this happening, better use gunship before troops deployment.  

To calculate how many command points you have in total and command strikes you can use in battles, see the following diagram:

Once you got the total number of command points, then you can lookup the following list to see how many command powers you can use in each battlefield.

Orbital Strike – cost 10 points
A-10 Strike – cost 3 points 
Hellfire Missile – cost 5 points 
EMP – cost 6 points 
Medpack – cost 5 points 
Combat Stim – cost 3 points 
Flare – cost 1 point 
Tactical Nuke – cost 25 points 
Camouflage – cost 3 points

For example: if you have 29 points in total, then you suppose can shot one Orbital Strike (-10), two A-10 Strike (-6), two Hellfire Missile (-10), and one Combat Stim (-3).

Monday, December 12, 2016

Strike Forces

At HQ4, players unlock strike force, the ability to recruit and assign allies (friends and alliances members) to their home and war base structures or troops to temporarily enhance their combat capabilities, and to make them stronger and faster.

To use Strike Force, tap on the icon, which has two swords in a shield, in the bottom left corner of the screen, to expand the Strike Force slots. When the slots are empty, just simply click on any open slot to import your alliances members into them. Same with the Facebook slots, click on Blue F slots to import your Facebook buddies into them. Once people loaded into these slots then you can drag them onto a buildings or troops on your base to activate the Strike Forces.

If you don’t have Facebook friends then you’d better find some, or you will leave these Blue F slots vacant. I recommend you talk to someone in alliance chat to see anybody willing to add you as Facebook friend.

Offense: (Home Base only)
  • Assigning allies to Troop Tarmacs will boost your offensive Unit’s Health and Damage.
  • Assigning allies to your Weapons Command will boost three Command Points you start with for each battle!

Defense: (Home and War Base)
  • Assign Allies to your Defensive Weapons to boost their Health and Damage.

BTW, many clans asked me which defensive buildings should Strike Forces be applied. It actually has no exact answer for that. However, when doing Strike Force in a base, I suggest players assign them onto Domes because most of the time attackers aimed Command Strikes at Metal Rain, Ion Canon, Artillery or Patriot. If you assigned Strike Forces onto these defenders I mentioned above, then you will possibly waste your Strike Forces once they got destroyed.

On the other hand, many folks think there must be better idea to assign higher rank clans as strike forces, since they have stronger offense/ defense abilities. (That was including myself !) However, I recently found out there actually no different in their rank. From Zynga official answer, regardless of the game level or HQ level of the player you will be assigning, the effect of Strike Force in your base will remain the same. 

Therefore, please make sure you guys assign different allies as your strike force each time, to give everybody a fair chance getting their Strike Force Reward crates.